Clean Fill Tipping Site
What is clean fill?
Clean fill includes clean soil, brick, building stone, concrete or reinforced concrete not painted with lead-based paint, broken pavement, and wood not treated or painted with preservatives or lead-based paint. NR 500.08 (2)(a) of the Department of Natural Resources
Clean fill is made up of materials that have already been deemed by the Wisconsin DNR as being safe for the public and the environment.
Althought the materials listed in NR 500.08 (2)(a) are exempt from licensing the Wisconsin DNR still regulates the type of materials we accept. The DNR also reserves the right to inspect the site when they see fit.
There are performance standards required by law to ensure that material is being transported from construction sites to the proper type of disposal facility. Based on these requirements materials determined to be "clean fill" can be disposed of at clean fill facilities, such as Scenic Pit.
To protect the Scenic Pit, the community, and the contractors, each contractor provides the address of where the clean fill is coming from so it can be tracked and tested when necessary.